Recycling Center
19800 Nowthen Blvd
Nowthen, MN 55303
Mon, Wed, Fri, Closed
Tues, Thurs, 11:00-5:00
Sat 9:00 - 12:00

City Office
8188 199th Ave NW
Nowthen, MN 55330
Mon - Fri 10:00-5:00
Winter Parking Rules
IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL for any person to park a motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home or accessory unit on a public street from the 15th of November to the 1st day of April between the hours of 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL for any person to park on any public streets, ditches and rights-of-way within the City anytime at which more than two (2) inches of fresh snow has accumulated until such time as the snow removal crew have cleared the roadway.
IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL for any person to park a motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home or accessory unit on a public street for more than a 24 hour consecutive period.
The Anoka County Sheriff’s Department and other authorized representatives of the City are hereby authorized to remove any offending vehicle from a City road. Vehicles will be towed and stored at Owner’s own expense.
Winter Information
Snow Plow Information
Driveway Plowing Rules
City Snowplowing Policy:
Snow accumulation of two (2) inches or more
Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel
Icy conditions which seriously affect travel
Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets
Snow and ice control operations are expensive and involve the use of limited personnel and equipment. Consequently, plowing operations will not generally be conducted for snowfall of less than two (2) inches. ​
Process: Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. The center of the roadway will be plowed first. The snow shall then be pushed from left to right on two-way streets. The discharge shall go onto the road right-of-way area of the street.
Damages: Damage to a mailbox is a risk that snowplow operators face during their winter plowing requirements. The City will conduct a review of each mailbox damage claim to determine whether the City has any legal responsibility for the damage; and if so, to replace or provide reimbursement for the mailbox. If the City, in its discretion, determines that reimbursement or replacement is appropriate, the City may either:
Install a new mailbox with a standard size, non-decorative metal mailbox and a metal swing-away support post.
Provide a reasonable reimbursement for the mailbox and support post that meet the City's Ordinance standards as well as state and federal requirements for mailbox size, support and placement.
The City is not responsible for irrigation systems, garbage cans or fences, unless they are hit by City equipment; and only then if they have been properly located (outside of the Right-of-Way).
Rocks or posts in the Right-of-Way need to be removed before any snowfall to prevent plow damage. Rocks along driveways must be lower than the road.