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City Hours 

Nowthen City Office:

8188 199th Avenue NW

Nowthen, MN 55330

Mon-Friday  10:00-5:00


City Office Number:


Nowthen Recycling Center:

19800 Nowthen Blvd NW

Nowthen, MN 55303

Recycling Center Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri,   Closed  

Tues, Thurs, 11:00-5:00

Sat 9:00 - 12:00

Closed Holidays

New Year's Day- January 1st

Martin Luther King Jr Day- January 20th

Presidents Day- February 17th

Memorial Day- May 26th

Juneteenth- June 19th

Independence Day- July 4th ​

Labor Day- September 1st

Veterans Day- November 11th

Thanksgiving- November 27th

Day after Thanksgiving- November 28th Christmas Eve- December 24th

Christmas Day- December 25th 

*subject to change

General Information:


Permit Information & Submittals:

City Office
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