Recycling Center
19800 Nowthen Blvd
Nowthen, MN 55303
Mon, Wed, Fri, Closed
Tues, Thurs, 11:00-5:00
Sat 9:00 - 12:00

City Office
8188 199th Ave NW
Nowthen, MN 55330
Mon - Fri 10:00-5:00
Businesses in Nowthen
If you have a business in Nowthen and would like to be listed in our Business Section, please contact the City Offices at
763-441-1347, Ext 300, or info@nowthenmn.net
Burns Bottle Shop
Center Point Plumbing
Dave Perkins Contracting, Inc.
3-Way Electric, Inc.
Martie's FX Auto Repair
Midwest Cremation Services of MN
​Midwest Goat Mitigation
Municipal Builders, Inc.
Name Brand Self Storage
Norgren's Auto Center
North Country Construction
North Roads Tire
North Valley Paving, Inc.
Nowthen Nursery & Great Northern Landscapes, Inc.
TR Concrete, Inc.